support category ssd
UV500 SSD (SUV500)

UV500 2.5" Solid State Drive - 技术支持


How to Install an M.2 SSD in a Desktop PC 1:10

如何在台式机中安装 M.2 固态硬盘

How to Install a 2.5" SATA SSD in a Laptop 1:29

如何在笔记本电脑中安装 2.5 英寸 SATA 固态硬盘

How to Install a 2.5" SATA SSD in a Desktop PC 1:30

如何在台式机中安装 2.5 英寸 SATA 固态硬盘

How to Install an M.2 SSD in a Laptop 1:29

如何在笔记本电脑中安装 M.2 固态硬盘


加密固态硬盘采用大多数商用计算机和主板上均提供的硬盘安全命令。 它通过 BIOS 进行访问。 这将允许您为许多普通硬盘和固态硬盘创建密码,以及在需要时安全地擦除硬盘。 一些计算机不具备此功能。 如果是这样,硬盘仍然能够使用,但将会没有这些安全功能。 切勿将 BIOS 密码与硬盘的安全密码混淆。


FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-01


可以使用,但您必须先在原计算机上对固态硬盘禁用安全功能。 然后,可以在新计算机中再次启用安全功能。


FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-02





BIOS 必须能够支持此项并且必须在为此硬盘启动 ATA 安全功能时启用。



FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-03


No. Encrypted Hard Drives for Windows require IEEE 1667 compliance. For additional information, please click on the link below.

FAQ: KSD-110001-ENC-001


这在闪存中很常见,无论是内部固态硬盘还是外部 USB 存储,部分原因是闪存与旋转硬盘制造商计算兆字节的方式不同。硬盘制造商将兆字节(或 1000x1000 字节)计算为 1000KB,而基于闪存的存储的二进制计算为 1024KB。

示例:对于基于 1TB 闪存的存储设备,Windows 将计算其容量为 931.32GB。(1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB)。

此外,Kingston 保留了一些列出的容量用于格式化和其他功能,例如固件和/或控制器特定信息,因此一些列出的容量不可用于数据存储。

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06


SSD 不需要碎片整理。 由于没有物理磁盘,因此便不需要组织数据以便缩短寻道时间。 因此对 SSD 进行碎片整理没有效果。 此外,对 SSD 进行碎片整理还可能会使硬盘的特定区域产生不必要的磨损。 SSD 被设计为尽可能在整个固态硬盘上均匀地写入数据,从而减少对任何一个位置的不必要磨损。 尽管如此,偶尔几次对 SSD 固态硬盘进行碎片整理不会对其造成伤害。 但是,如果长时间连续这样操作,便可能会缩短固态硬盘的寿命。

FAQ: KSD-011411-GEN-03


在 Windows 中 - 打开控制面板,再打开管理工具,然后打开计算机管理。单击“磁盘管理”,看窗口的右侧窗格中是否有固态硬盘。如果有,在标记为磁盘 1、磁盘 2 等的位置上单击右键并选择“初始化磁盘”(这在访问“磁盘管理”时可能会自动弹出)。接下来,在磁盘标签右侧的区域右键单击并选择“新建简单卷”。继续使用向导选择大小、驱动器号并格式化分区。

在 macOS 中 - 将会出现“磁盘插入”窗口。单击“初始化”按钮。这将会转到磁盘实用工具。从窗口左侧的驱动器列表中选择 Kingston 硬盘。从可用的操作中选择分区。对于“卷方案”,请选择“1 个分区”。对于格式,为永久驱动器请选择“MacOS 扩展”。为外置驱动器请选择 ExFAT(在 MacOS 10.6.6 及以上版本中可用)。单击“应用”。将会出现一个警告窗口,说明您将擦除硬盘上的所有数据。单击底部的“分区”按钮。

FAQ: KSD-060314-GEN-14


如果 BIOS 能识别该 SSD,但 Windows 7 安装程序无法检测到该设备:

断开与任何其他硬盘或 SSD 的连接。启动 Windows 7 安装盘。选择修复、高级、命令提示符。键入:"diskpart",切勿包含引号,然后按下 Enter。您将看到一个显示为 "diskpart" 的提示符。键入以下命令,然后在每一条命令之后按下 Enter。

Diskpart > Select Disk 0
Diskpart > Clean
Diskpart > Create Partition Primary Align=1024
Diskpart > Format Quick FS=NTFS
Diskpart > List Partition
Diskpart > Active
Diskpart > Exit

随后使用 Windows 7 安装盘重新启动计算机。

FAQ: KSD-100214-GEN-20


The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


请参阅“适用于 Linux 的安全擦除用户指南”

该指南将指导您使用 Linux 工具安全地擦除 Kingston SSD

SATA 安全擦除程序



  • 您必须拥有根权限。 
  • 您必须将 SSD 连接到系统作为辅助(非操作系统)驱动器。 
  • 您必须安装了 lsscsi 和 hdparm。您可能需要使用分发版的包管理器安装它们。 
  •  驱动器不得处于安全冻结状态。 
  •  驱动器不得有密码保护。

1. 找到要擦除的驱动器的设备名称 (/dev/sdX):

# lsscsi

2. 确保驱动器安全性未冻结:

# hdparm -I /dev/sdX | grep frozen

如果输出显示 "frozen"(而非 "not frozen"),则无法继续下一步。您必须尝试以下一种方法,消除安全性冻结状态:

方法 1:
使系统进入睡眠(挂起至 RAM),然后唤醒。在大多数分发版上,挂起的命令为:

# systemctl suspend

此时再次发出 hdparm 命令。如果可行,输出将显示 "not frozen"(而非 "frozen")。

方法 2:
热插入驱动器。在系统通电的状态下,以物理方式从驱动器拔下 SATA 电源线后再插回,便完成了热插入。您可能需要在 BIOS 中启用热插拔。并非所有系统都支持热插拔。

此时再次发出 hdparm 命令。如果可行,输出将显示 "not frozen"(而非 "frozen")。

3. 在驱动器上设置用户密码。密码可以随意设置。这里我们将密码设置为 "p":

# hdparm --security-set-pass p /dev/sdX

4. 使用同一密码向驱动器发出安全擦除命令:1234567890 - 1234567890 -

# hdparm --security-erase p /dev/sdX



# hdparm --security-disable p /dev/sdX

SATA 安全擦除示例
SATA Secure Erase Example

请参阅“适用于 Linux 的安全擦除用户指南”

该指南将指导您使用 Linux 工具安全地擦除 Kingston SSD

SATA 安全擦除程序




  • 您必须拥有根权限。 
  • 您必须将 SSD 连接到系统作为辅助(非操作系统)驱动器。 
  •  您必须安装 nvme-cli。您可能需要使用分发版的包管理器安装它。 
  •  驱动器不得有密码保护。

1. 找到要擦除的驱动器的设备名称 (/dev/nvmeXn1):

# nvme list

2. 向驱动器发出格式化命令。在此我们将安全擦除设置为 1,以指示用户数据擦除:

# nvme format /dev/nvmeXn1 --ses=1


NVMe 安全擦除示例
NVMe Secure Erase Example






BIOS 必须能够支持此项并且必须在为此硬盘启动 ATA 安全功能时启用。



FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-03


可以使用,但您必须先在原计算机上对固态硬盘禁用安全功能。 然后,可以在新计算机中再次启用安全功能。


FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-02


加密固态硬盘采用大多数商用计算机和主板上均提供的硬盘安全命令。 它通过 BIOS 进行访问。 这将允许您为许多普通硬盘和固态硬盘创建密码,以及在需要时安全地擦除硬盘。 一些计算机不具备此功能。 如果是这样,硬盘仍然能够使用,但将会没有这些安全功能。 切勿将 BIOS 密码与硬盘的安全密码混淆。


FAQ: KSD-011411-ENC-01



若要開啟已提升權限的命令提示字元視窗: 若要開啟已提升權限的命令提示字元視窗: 按一下「開始 按鈕 > 於搜尋方塊中鍵入「CMD.exe > 於「CMD 上按右鍵,然後選取「以系統管理員身份執行 (若您接收到提示確認,請按「是 )

若要驗證是否已啟用 TRIM 指令,請在已提升權限的命令提示字元視窗中鍵入下列指令並按 Enter 鍵::

fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify

結果將顯示如下:DisableDeleteNotify = 1 (Windows 的 TRIM 指令已停用)DisableDeleteNotify = 0 (Windows 的 TRIM 指令已啟用)

若要啟用 TRIM 指令,請在已提升權限的命令提示字元視窗中鍵入下列指令並按 Enter 鍵:

fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0

若要停用 TRIM 指令,請在已提升權限的命令提示字元視窗中鍵入下列指令並按 Enter 鍵:

fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 1

FAQ: KSD-072211-GEN-18


金士顿了解保护客户个人数据及信息机密和安全的重要性。 在客户将固态硬盘驱动器 (SSD) 退回 RMA 机构进行保固期内的更换/维修时,金士顿会采取措施确保所有客户的个人信息安全性。 SSD 到达我们的维修中心后,将接受彻底的测试。 在测试的第一阶段,我们会对 SSD 执行 ATA 安全擦除,擦除所有数据和信息。 ATA 安全擦除经过美国国家标准技术研究院批准 (NIST 800-88),可对保密用户数据进行合法清洁处理。 如果 SSD 不处于可运作状态,无法进行 ATA 安全擦除,则固态硬盘将会被拆解,并且销毁 NAND 闪存。

FAQ: KSD-022411-GEN-15


我们的所有固态硬盘都可以用在 RAID 中。 但由于耐用性规范,只能将部分产品型号用在 RAID 中。  对于服务器,请联系金士顿以确定用于您的工作负载的最佳金士顿固态硬盘。

FAQ: KSD-052511-GEN-17


自我监测、分析与报告技术 (S.M.A.R.T.) 是普通硬盘和固态硬盘的一项内置的监测功能。 它可以让用户监测设备的健康状况。 该操作是通过专为 S.M.A.R.T. 功能而设计的监测软件来实现的。所有 SSDNow 固态硬盘均支持 S.M.A.R.T.。

FAQ: KSD-011411-GEN-10


SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


自我监测、分析与报告技术 (S.M.A.R.T.) 是普通硬盘和固态硬盘的一项内置的监测功能。 它可以让用户监测设备的健康状况。 该操作是通过专为 S.M.A.R.T. 功能而设计的监测软件来实现的。所有 SSDNow 固态硬盘均支持 S.M.A.R.T.。

FAQ: KSD-011411-GEN-10


Trim 和垃圾回收是现代 SSD 采用的技术,用于改善性能和耐用性。当 SSD 刚刚从箱中取出时,所有 NAND 块都是空的,因此 SSD 可以通过一次操作将新数据写入空块。随着时间推移,所有空块会被使用并包含用户数据。为了向已用块写入新数据,SSD 将被强制执行读取-修改-写入周期。读取-修改-写入周期会降低 SSD 整体性能,因为 SSD 现在必须执行三次操作,而非一次。读取-修改-写入周期还会导致写入放大,从而降低 SSD 整体耐用性。

Trim 和垃圾回收可以联合释放已用块,从而改善 SSD 性能和耐用性。垃圾回收是 SSD 控制器内置的一项功能,用于整合已用块中的数据,以释放更多空块。此流程在后台进行,完全由 SSD 自己操作。不过,SSD 可能不知道哪些块包含用户数据,哪些块包含用户已删除的陈旧数据。这正是 Trim 发挥作用的地方。Trim 允许操作系统让 SSD 了解数据已被删除,因此 SSD 可以释放之前的已用块。要让 Trim 正常运行,操作系统和 SSD 必须都支持 Trim。目前,多数现代操作系统和 SSD 支持 Trim,不过多数 RAID 配置不支持 Trim。

金士顿 SSD 充分利用了垃圾回收和 Trim 两项技术,可在 SSD 整个生命周期内保持尽可能高的性能和耐用性。


FAQ: KSD-011411-GEN-13


静电放电 (ESD) 就是指积聚的静电放电的过程。 不应忽视静电放电,因为这是会导致计算机或硬件组件被人为损坏或毁坏的为数不多的几种方式之一。 就像脚在地毯上摩擦之后,再触摸金属物质时有可能会出现静电放电。 静电放电发生时,用户不一定会感受到触电,并且只有在计算机内部操作或移动硬件时才会发生。

防止静电放电的最佳方法是使用静电放电腕带、接地垫或接地工作台。 但是,由于大多数用户都没有这些装置,我们罗列了以下步骤来尽可能降低发生静电放电的几率。

  • 站立 – 我们建议您在计算机上工作时保持站立。 坐在椅子上会产生更多静电。
  • 线缆 - 确保计算机背面的所有线缆都已被拔下(电源线、鼠标、键盘等)。
  • 衣服 - 确保不要穿着会产生大量静电的衣物,如毛衣。
  • 配饰 - 为了减少静电放电和防止其他问题,最好取下所有的首饰。
  • 天气 - 雷暴天气会增加静电放电的风险;除非绝对必要,否则不要在雷暴天气时,在计算机上工作。 在十分干燥的地区,每次有气流(风、空调、鼓风机)经过绝缘表面时,空气本身就会成为静电积聚机制的一部分。 不要被高湿度所误导,并注意连接处以及其他电气接口的腐蚀问题。





Click here to learn more about the differences between these two types of SSDs.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-19


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


Kingston SSD Manager 在 IEEE 1667 支持禁用之前不会为 NVMe SSD 提供固件更新。要完成固件更新,必须执行以下操作:

1. 首先,我们建议备份您的数据。
2. 然后使用驱动器标签上的 PSID 通过辅助系统完成 REVERT。注意:执行 REVERT 将会安全地擦除驱动器上的所有数据。
3. 禁用 IEEE 1667 支持
4. 固件更新将在 KSM 刷新或重启后变成可用

FAQ: KSM-001125-001-01


您的系统装入的可能是 Intel RST 驱动程序,而非 Microsoft NVMe 驱动程序。与 Intel RST 驱动程序存在已知的兼容性问题,会拦截 NVMe 固件更新命令。此外,KSM 仅在基于 Windows 的系统中受支持。因此,如果您尝试在基于 macOS 或 Linux 的系统上运行 KSM,很遗憾,这些操作系统不兼容 KSM。

FAQ: KSM-001125-002-01


Kingston SSD Manager (KSM) 将结束对 Microsoft Windows 7 的支持。支持 Windows 7 的 KSM 最新版本是 v1.1.2.5。如果您使用的是 Windows 7,并且遇到与 KSM 兼容的问题,请确保在 BIOS 中启用 AHCI 模式,并安装系统制造商提供的最新 Intel RST 存储驱动程序。如果还需要协助,尽请联系我们的 Kingston 技术支持部门。

FAQ: KSM-001125-001-00


SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12


Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13


While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13


Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12


The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14


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