support category ssd
SSD KC2000 (SKC2000)

SSD KC2000 NVMe PCIe - 技術支援


How to Install an M.2 SSD in a Desktop PC

如何在桌上型電腦安裝 M.2 SSD

How to Install an M.2 SSD in a Laptop 1:29

如何在筆記型電腦安裝 M.2 SSD


對於快閃儲存裝置來說這很常見,無論是內接式 SSD 固態硬碟還是外接式 USB 儲存裝置,部分原因是快閃記憶體與傳統旋轉碟片的硬碟製造商在計算百萬位元組的方式上存在差異。硬碟機製造商將百萬位元組 (或 1,000x1,000 位元組) 計算為 1,000KB,而快閃記憶體儲存裝置的二進位計算結果為 1,024KB。

範例:對於 1TB 快閃記憶體儲存裝置來說,Windows 會將其容量計算為 931.32GB。(1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB)。

此外,Kingston 有保留一些儲存容量,作為格式化和其他功能之用,例如韌體和/或控制器特定資訊,因此所宣稱的部分儲存容量不可作為資料儲存之用。

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06


高效能 NVMe SSD 需要適當通風,才能徹底發揮頻寬和效能。 在大量工作負荷或廣泛基準期間,硬碟溫度會升高,而控制器韌體可能會進行熱調節,以便維持適當的作業溫度和確保硬碟完整性。如果在這些情況下發生效能降級,請確認 SSD 固態硬碟獲得適當冷卻,以及/或增加系統風扇,才能降低硬碟溫度。 

注意:溫度達到 80°C 時,便會進行熱調節

FAQ: KSD-060117-NVME-02


NVMe SSD 仰賴原生 Linux 及 Microsoft NVMe 驅動程式。Microsoft 的原生 NVMe 驅動程式會將強制單元存取 (FUA) IO 寫入和 Flush 命令核發到有揮發性寫入快取的 NVMe 裝置。實際上,這會因為時常繞過 DRAM 快取並直接寫入至 NAND 而損害目標 SSD 固態硬碟上的快取。由於此行為,NVMe SSD 固態硬碟的效能會降低。若要發揮最大效能,您必須停用 Windows 內目標硬碟上的快取緩衝區排清。 


1. 開啟裝置管理員 

2. 選取硬碟並展開,然後選取目標硬碟。 

3. 按一下滑鼠右鍵並選取「內容」 

4. 核取「關閉裝置的 Windows 寫入快取緩衝區排清」 

a. 注意:停用裝置上的寫入快取緩衝區排清,您會面臨在傳輸中遺失資料及/或停電時資料毀損的風險。只有當您察覺與之相關聯風險時,才停用此功能。


FAQ: KSD-060117-KC1000-04


NVMe 磁碟可在 Windows 8 及更新版本以及 Windows Server 2012R 及更新版本中隨插即用。因此,Kingston 未提供額外驅動程式。NVMe 磁碟還能與最新版本的 Linux 搭配使用。請注意:不支援 macOS。

FAQ: KSD-060117-NVME-01


想確認正在使用哪個 NVMe 驅動程式,您可以執行 AS SSD benchmark (一款硬碟效能測試軟體),從下拉選單中選擇 Kingston NVMe SSD 固態硬碟執行。執行報告中會顯示該磁碟機的驅動程式。如果顯示驅動程式為「iaStorAC」,表示磁碟機使用的是 Intel 的驅動程式。如果顯示驅動程式為「stornvme」,表示磁碟機使用的是 Microsoft 的驅動程式。請注意:Kingston NVMe SSD 固態硬碟為隨插即用,無需提供額外驅動程式。

FAQ: KSD-001525-001-00


The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03


Windows 7 doesn’t natively support NVMe SSDs. If you wish to install Windows 7 on your NVMe SSD, please refer to this Microsoft hotfix explanation:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-06


No, Kingston NVMe SSDs do not require a special NVMe driver. The inbox drivers present in Windows 8 and later are sufficient.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-07


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


Please refer to this blog post discussing M.2 technology.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-16


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


Linux 安全抹除使用者指南

本指南將引導您使用 Linux 工具安全地抹除 Kingston SSD 固態硬碟。

SATA 安全抹除程序




  • 您必須具有 root 權限。
  • 您必須將 SSD 固態硬碟作為備份系統 (非作業系統),用磁碟機連接至系統。
  • 您必須安裝 lsscsi 和 hdparm。您可能需要使用您發行版本的套件管理系統來進行安裝。
  • 您的磁碟機不得處於安全凍結狀態。
  • 您的磁碟機不得有密碼保護。


1.找到您要抹除的磁碟機名稱 (/dev/sdX):

# lsscsi


# hdparm -I /dev/sdX | grep frozen


方法 1:
讓系統進入休眠 (或輸入 suspend to RAM 進入待命) 狀態,再喚醒系統。多數發行版本中,休眠指令是:

# systemctl suspend

現在,再次輸入 hdparm 指令。如果操作成功,輸出將顯示「非凍結」(不是「凍結」)。

方法 2:
熱插拔磁碟機。實際拔掉磁碟機上連結的 SATA 電源線,並在系統供電的情況下重新插回去。您可能需要在 BIOS 中啟用熱插拔。並非所有系統都支援熱插拔。現在,再次輸入 hdparm 指令。如果操作成功,輸出將顯示「非凍結」(不是「凍結」)。


# hdparm --security-set-pass p /dev/sdX

4.使用相同的密碼,輸入對磁碟機進行安全抹除的指令。1234567890 - 1234567890 -

# hdparm --security-erase p /dev/sdX



# hdparm --security-disable p /dev/sdX
SATA 安全抹除範例
SATA Secure Erase Example

NVMe 安全抹除程序




  • 您必須具有 root 權限。
  • 您必須將 SSD 固態硬碟作為備份系統 (非作業系統),用磁碟機連接至系統。
  • 您必須安裝 nvme-cli。您可能需要使用您發行版本的套件管理系統來進行安裝。
  • 您的磁碟機不得有密碼保護。


1.找到您要抹除的磁碟機名稱 (/dev/nvmeXn1):

# nvme list

2.輸入指令對磁碟機進行格式化。在此,我們將安全抹除設定為 1,這代表抹除使用者資料:

# nvme format /dev/nvmeXn1 --ses=1


NVMe 安全抹除範例
NVMe Secure Erase Example



SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


裁切技術與垃圾資料回收是現今 SSD 固態硬碟所採用的技術,為的是要提高其效能和耐久性。
剛開始使用 SSD 固態硬碟時,全部的 NAND 區塊都是空白,因此 SSD 固態硬碟可以在一次的操作中將新資料寫入空白區塊。
為了將新的資料寫入已使用區塊,SSD 固態硬碟被迫執行讀取 - 修改 - 寫入之週期。讀取 - 修改 - 寫入之週期會損害 SSD 固態硬碟的整體效能,因為必須執行三個動作,而不是單一操作就能結束。讀取 - 修改-寫入之週期也會造成寫入放大,而損害 SSD 固態硬碟的整體耐久性。

裁切技術與垃圾資料回收兩者可相互合作,透過釋放已使用的區塊,改善 SSD 固態硬碟的效能和耐久性。
垃圾資料回收是 SSD 固態硬碟控制器的內建功能,用於整合儲存在已使用區塊中的資料,以便釋放更多空白區塊。
這個程序是在背景進行處理,而且完全由 SSD 固態硬碟本身執行。
然而,SSD 固態硬碟不會知道哪些區塊存有使用者資料,以及哪些區塊存有使用者已刪除的舊資料。
這就是裁切技術功能的作用所在。裁切技術讓操作系統得以在資料刪除時,通知 SSD 固態硬碟,接著 SSD 固態硬碟就能將已使用之區塊釋放。
若想執行裁切技術,必須使用支援此技術的操作系統和 SSD 固態硬碟。現今的現代操作系統及 SSD 固態硬碟大多都支援裁切技術,然而大部分的 RAID 設定卻尚未支援。

Kingston SSD 固態硬碟皆有採用裁切技術與垃圾資料回收技術,為了在產品使用壽命中,維持最高的效能及耐久性。


FAQ: KSD-011411-GEN-13


M.2 是指實體的外觀尺寸。SATA 和 PCIe 則是指儲存裝置介面,主要的差異在於 M.2 固態硬碟的效能和採用通訊協定 (語言)。

M.2 規格是為了能適用固態硬碟的 SATA 和 PCIe 介面所設計的。M.2 SATA 固態硬碟將會使用目前於典型 2.5 吋 SATA 固態硬碟上的同一種控制器。M.2 PCIe 固態硬碟會使用特別為支援 PCIe 通訊協定所設定的控制器。一個 M.2 固態硬碟只能支援一種通訊協定,但是某些系統的 M.2 插槽只支援 SATA 或 PCIe 的其中一種。

FAQ: KSD-004005-001-00


靜電放電 (ESD) 簡單來說就是放出已積蓄的靜電荷。 不可輕忽靜電放電,因為它是電腦或硬體零件遭到個人損壞的少數原因之一。 它的效果就好像您用腳摩擦地毯,再以腳碰金屬物一樣。 發生靜電放電時,使用者不一定會感受到觸電,而且只會在處理電腦內部或硬體時才會發生。

預防靜電放電最好的方法,就是使用防靜電放電腕帶或接地墊或接地桌。 然而,由於許多使用者並沒辦法取得這些東西,我們另外附以下步驟,以有助於盡量減少靜電放電發生的機會。

  • 站立 - 我們建議您在處理電腦時隨時保持站姿。坐在椅子上會積蓄更多靜電荷。
  • 電線 - 確保電腦後所有東西已清空 (電源線、滑鼠、鍵盤等)。
  • 衣服 - 確保身上不穿著能夠傳導大量電荷的衣物,如毛線衣。
  • 裝飾物 - 取下所有珠寶、首飾,也可有助於減少靜電放電並預防其他問題。
  • 天氣 - 電風暴會增加靜電放電的風險;除非絕對必要,否則避免在電風暴發生時操作電腦。 在非常乾燥的環境中,每當絕緣表面上有空氣流過 (風、空調、吹風機),空氣本身就成為電荷積蓄之機制的一部份。 別因為高濕度就以為會沒事,並留意互聯接頭與其他電氣介面的腐蝕問題。





Click here to learn more about the differences between these two types of SSDs.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-19


在停用 IEEE 1667 支援前,Kingston SSD Manager 不會提供 NVMe SSD 固態硬碟的韌體更新。為了完成韌體更新,您必須執行下列步驟:

2.接著,使用備份系統,利用磁碟機標籤上的 PSID 完成還原作業。備註:執行還原作業將安全地抹除磁碟上所有資料。
3.停用 IEEE 1667 支援
4.更新或重新啟動 KSM 後就能執行韌體更新。

FAQ: KSM-001125-001-01


Kingston SSD Manager (KSM) 將終止支援 Microsoft Windows 7。支援 Windows 7 的 KSM 最新版本是 v1.1.2.5。如果在 Windows 7 使用 KSM 遇到問題時,請確認 BIOS 中已啟用 AHCI 模式,並已安裝系統製造商提供的最新 Intel RST 儲存驅動程式。如果仍需要協助,請隨時聯絡 Kingston 技術支援部門。

FAQ: KSM-001125-001-00


您的系統可能正在載入 Intel RST 驅動程式,而非 Microsoft NVMe 驅動程式。這是一個已知的 Intel RST 驅動程式相容性問題,會影響到 NVMe 韌體更新指令。此外,KSM 僅支援 Windows 系統。因此,如果您嘗試在 macOS 或 Linux 系統上執行 KSM,請注意這些作業系統與 KSM 不相容。

FAQ: KSM-001125-002-01


警告!下述解決方法將破壞 RST RAID 陣列,且可能導致資料遺失。如果您的系統中有 RST RAID 陣列,建議您考慮替代的解決方法。

解決方法 1:在 BIOS 中停用 RST Control 功能。

此方法需要在 BIOS 中啟用/停用 RST Control 功能,並非所有系統都支援。


  1. 重新啟動,並進入系統 BIOS 介面。
  2. 在 BIOS 中找到 RST 組態設定。
  3. 將「RST Controlled」變更為「Not RST Controlled」
  4. 儲存並退出 BIOS
  5. 開啟 KSM 並更新磁碟機韌體

完成以上步驟後,您可以回到 BIOS 設定中,切換為「RST Controlled」。

解決方法 2:在 BIOS 設定中,將「RAID」切換為「AHCI」



  1. 執行「系統設定」(輸入 msconfig)
  2. 選擇「開機」頁籤
  3. 勾選「安全開機」/「最基本安全開機方式」
  4. 按下「確定」並重新啟動
  5. 系統重新啟動時,請進入 BIOS 設定介面
  6. 將儲存模式從「RAID」變更為「AHCI」
  7. 儲存並退出 BIOS
  8. 等待 Windows 啟動並進入安全模式
  9. 執行「系統設定」(輸入 msconfig)
  10. 選擇「開機」頁籤
  11. 取消勾選「安全開機」
  12. 按下「確定」並重新啟動
  13. 等待 Windows 啟動並進入一般模式
  14. 開啟 KSM 並更新磁碟機韌體

完成以上步驟後,您可以在 BIOS 設定中,將儲存模式切換回「RAID」。

FAQ: KSD-001525-001-01


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12


Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13


While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


Please refer to this blog post discussing M.2 technology.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-16


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04


The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03


No, Kingston NVMe SSDs do not require a special NVMe driver. The inbox drivers present in Windows 8 and later are sufficient.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-07


Windows 7 doesn’t natively support NVMe SSDs. If you wish to install Windows 7 on your NVMe SSD, please refer to this Microsoft hotfix explanation:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-06


First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15


Please refer to this blog post discussing M.2 technology.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-16


There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18


While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14


Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13


Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12


SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11


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