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Kingston Product Finder

When you start with Kingston, choosing memory is easy.
With over 35 years of expertise, Kingston has the knowledge and resources you need to choose memory with confidence.

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Kingston's system-specific memory delivers legendary reliability

For over 35 years, Kingston has designed and manufactured memory customised for the world’s major name brand systems. Kingston is dedicated to providing memory solutions that work the first time, every time and for a lifetime, and guarantees compatibility of its system-specific memory for major brand systems, which is also backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

Kingston's core competency lies in our engineering expertise, which allows us to design, manufacture and deliver top-quality products to our customers.

Why is it important to use system-specific memory?

  • Component compatibility can vary
  • Testing is conducted in the system or class of systems in which the memory will be installed

Components and compatibility

When Kingston designs a memory module for a major name brand system, Kingston engineers thoroughly test all approved components that meet the required specifications on the new module design. This testing allows us to determine which components provide the best compatibility. Kingston uses a controlled bill of materials for our system-specific module designs to deliver guaranteed-compatible upgrades for your system.

Testing of each new module design is performed in the system or class of systems in which it will ultimately be used. The memory is tested on the system motherboard and with the applications and operating systems most commonly used in the system. This rigorous testing process allows us to make sure that the memory is compatible with all aspects of the system we are designing for, including hardware, operating systems and applications.

The memory brand you choose can make a significant difference to the stability you get from your system. Choose memory that is designed and manufactured to your systems' requirements. Choose Kingston system-specific module solutions for absolute reliability.