Storage Chart

How many files will fit on a storage drive? We have created this chart to help you understand the quantity of various file types at their average file sizes and how many can fit on drives of specific capacities.

Capacity1Approximate number of photos (12MP)Approximate number of photos
(24MP - Uncompressed RAW)
Approximate number of songs
(3MB each)
Approximate number of minutes of video (1080p)2Approximate number of minutes of 4K video
(30 Mbps)2
Approximate number of minutes of 8K video
(60 Mbps)2
1TB 857,143 12,800 333,333 5,376 2,083 1,042
512GB 428,571 6,400 166,667 2,688 1,042 521
256GB 214,286 3,200 83,333 1,344 521 260
128GB 107,143 1,600 41,667 672 260 130
64GB 53,571 800 20,833 336 130 65
32GB 26,786 400 10,417 168 65 32
16GB 13,393 200 5,208 84 32 16
8GB 6,696 100 2,604 42 16 8

Some of the listed capacity on a Flash storage device is used for formatting and other functions and thus is not available for data storage. As such, the actual available capacity for data storage is less than what is listed on the product. For more information go to Kingston's Flash Memory Guide at

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