2CRSi server in immersion cooling liquid

Kingston and 2CRSi Solve Data Center Energy Consumption Challenges

How are Kingston and 2CRSi leading the way in data center performance and cooling?

Kingston and 2CSRi engineers installing Kingston SSD into a server rack

For data centers, achieving both high performance and energy efficiency can be a huge challenge! Given recent pressures on the price of energy – compounded with the need to keep up with the relentless demand for performance – many are looking for solutions that achieve the “sweet spot” between speed and efficiency.

So, what can you do?

Well, 2CRSi – a leading global technology group – and Kingston have been working together for over 10 years to create fast and sustainable solutions.

In this video, we explain how this collaboration works and showcase how our high-performance DRAM and data center SSDs, combined with 2CRSi’s innovative immersion cooling technologies, meet the needs of today and solve the challenges of tomorrow.

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