SQL Server 2017 Windows Server 2019 Migration

Improve SQL Server Performance and Lower Costs with Kingston Enterprise Solid-State Drives.

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Save Time and Money

This whitepaper demonstrates how using Kingston Technology’s Data Center DC500 Enterprise Solid-State Drives (SSDs) can reduce your overall capital and license costs by 39%.

SQL Server 2008 workloads can cost effectively be migrated to a modern hardware and software solution using modern servers and Kingston Technology DC500M Enterprise Solid-State Drives (SSD) with Microsoft SQL 2017 Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition.

Most customers will finally retire the 2008-era hardware that the SQL Server 2008 workload currently runs on and can now decide on enterprise-class reliable performance hardware to run their migrated workloads on.

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Why Is this important?

Microsoft has changed to a per-core licensing model for both SQL Server and Windows Server, making licensing decisions more complicated, and poor licensing decisions more expensive.

Well-informed choices can minimize software license cost, as we’ll demonstrate.

What this whitepaper will detail.

  • What it means to you as you upgrade your SQL Server 2008 R2 servers to SQL Server 2017, cutting your SQL Server licensing costs by 75% and achieve better performance.
  • Using DC500M drives makes it possible to reduce the vCores needed to get similar performance to your existing database solutions. This is because the DC500M Enterprise SSD can process more transactions with lower latency.
  • Reduce the number of host servers needed, and you reduce both hardware and software license costs.
  • Greater workload consolidation using fewer cores requires fewer per-core licenses, helping you realize significant savings.


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