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How to allow USB drive access without compromising endpoint security

USB storage and endpoint management data loss prevention software

A close up shot on Kingston IronKey D500S USB drive plugged into a laptop

As endpoint security and data loss prevention software have become an integral part of the overall system security strategies, alongside increasingly advanced cybersecurity technologies, the focus has now shifted to the individual. More specifically, data security needs to ensure that users are prevented from being the “weakest link” in the fight against security risks and data loss. Device management, and its role within endpoint security, has never been more important.

The issue is due to the prevalence of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) along with the easy access of small and portable storage devices. This, in turn, has meant that users have come to expect the same freedom in how they transfer data as they do with their own PCs/laptops. But with this freedom comes risk, and an ever-increasing attack surface.

USB port blocking is not ideal

One of the tactics employed by some organisations is to have a blanket “block all ports” rule. While this is a sensible way of mitigating threats, it can open the door to unintended and less visible data loss. In this whitepaper, we explore the risks of port blocking and how a better and more nuanced approach offers more robust security measures.

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