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2022: Technology expert predictions

2021 has been a year full of challenges and innovations in technology, impacting all aspects of our lives, from the office, to entertainment, to how we communicate with each other. To get a better understanding of how technology will evolve next year - and what its impact will look like - we asked our community of experts to share their insights and predictions for technology trends in 2022.

Immersive tech in the workplace and beyond

A man’s hands typing on a keyboard at blurry table with double exposure of immersive HUD infographic interface

The global lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted the importance of effectively integrating technology into workplace operations. Roland Broch (@rolandbroch) suggests that video conferencing, now a necessity for teams working and collaborating remotely, will see significant developments: “Bigger screens. Immersive 3D experience. More convenience.”

But these innovative experiences won’t be limited to the workplace - consumers may also see the benefits of immersive technologies in their interactions with brands: “With improvements in #hardware capabilities and #software advancements reached in #AI & #VirtualReality, providing immersive experiences for consumers will only become more and more used by brands”, predicts Elena Carstoiu (@elenacarstoiu); “Engaging with your customers has never been so techy.”

The past two years have seen technology become even more integral to people’s daily lives, with 37% of UK adults doing at least some work from home as of May 2021, according to the Office for National Statistics. Of course, this comes with its own risks, especially around data privacy and security - “There is a need of secure remote work, use of home devices, VPN, and IoT unity. Again, secure storage and data sharing are needed,” says Tara Taubman-Bassirian (@clarinette02).

Rafael Bloom (@rafibloom73) stresses the importance of putting people first as technology becomes increasingly prevalent: “I hope that tech now evolves to help us, whether that is direct assistance from an AI or something simpler like the new ‘focus modes’ on Apple devices.”

AI face outline with circuit board and binary code data flow on blue background

Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made some great strides in the past few years, allowing for more complex uses in several areas. AI could have applications in sustainability, using “sophisticated sensors on vehicles and connected infrastructure which will allow our cities to become less congested and less polluted” according to Rob May (@robmay70). And of course, we may also see the impact of AI in more mundane aspects of day-to-day life: David Clarke predicts “more #AI in cars to assist drivers and home devices”, while the Dutch Cloud Community (@dutchcloudcomm) had a more jovial view, explaining that “your AI fridge telling you that last beer is a bad idea”.

Cybersecurity in particular has been a rising concern this past year, with the number of reported data breaches already surpassing 2020 figures according to the Identity Theft Research Center. To combat this growing threat, Nigel Tozer (@NigelTozer) predicts that AI “will be a #cybersecurity given in ’22,” as well as the emergence of “Cybersecurity-as-a-Service offerings”.

On the other hand, Ellie Hurst (@Advent_IM_Comms) emphasises that cybersecurity tech must support the people using it: “We know most successful breaches are caused by people, so support them through technology. Whatever is proportionate though because invasive tech can lose people and enable shadow IT”, with Rafael Bloom adding that “#Cybersecurity should be about people, process, and proper governance first, rather than relying on tech to provide a panacea.”

Server memory and storage products will be crucial in supporting emerging technologies in 2022, from AI to 5G to cybersecurity. Kate Sukhanova (@ThisIsKateS) foresees “more organisations embracing the #Cloud over physical servers & more #VPN providers for consumers'' in response to growing concerns around data security and cybercrime. Bill Mew (@BillMew) adds that “There will need to be more of a move towards encrypted storage as cybercrime becomes more pervasive - not just on the #cloud, but on ALL devices.”

Challenges and trends for 2022

renewable energy, natural resources preservation, environment protection symbols inside gears with a hand touching one of them as if pressing a button

Logistical and supply chain issues will be significant challenges for the technology industry in the coming year. Geoffrey Petit (@Kingston_GPetit) notes that “One of the major challenges in 2022 could be the global shortage of components which could delay new innovations and the development of new infrastructures.”

While working from home has become more widespread, organisations will still need to solve problems that arise with remote or hybrid working: “The continuing need for remote means that organisations may reap the whirlwind if they are configured and trained poorly and so we cannot think that the danger from newly remote is passed,” warns Ellie Hurst.

Cybersecurity will continue to be a hot topic in 2022, as technology trends reflect growing awareness of cyber-threats; Rob May predicts the top 2022 IT trends will be “Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture #CSMA. Privacy Enhancing Computation #PEC for privacy & data protection.”

Sustainability in tech will also be a major point of discussion. Roland Broch predicts that “sustainable and resource efficient hardware and green coding are the upcoming trends for 2022”; ‘green coding’ refers to programming code written to produce algorithms with minimal energy consumption, both in terms of structure and behaviour. As global awareness of climate change and environmental risks grows it will be interesting to see the role technological innovation will play in improving sustainability.

At Kingston Technology, we consider ourselves trusted advisors and technology enablers who support AI, Cybersecurity, and advances in technology. Kingston Is With You, no matter what you do, working to support your business needs. While 2022 may be full of unexpected challenges and opportunities for organisations, we are confident that our solutions can support businesses in any of their technology challenges.

#KingstonIsWithYou #KingstonIronKey

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